Saturday, April 14, 2012

4.14.2012 A Testament to Communication

It is my first post on my first blog. I wish to express in the display of firsts my gratitude to having a forum in which I may go and write any expression I feel pertinent and necessary. It is hard being a twenty-something, living in a world surrounded by social media and not knowing truly how to utilize every aspect of the web. I am sure I am 5 to 10 years too late in starting this blog, but better late then never.

Today I am feeling a little drab. This may be due to the weather (cloudy, cold and rainy), but it may also be due to the fact that I, like so many others of my generation, am overworked and over-scheduled. I am truly trying to find a balance in which i can express myself as an outstanding and creative student, an open minded and talented Teachers Assistant in a Structured Preschool, as well as a compassionate and loving girlfriend, sibling, daughter and friend. I have to keep reminding myself that IT IS OKAY TO LET MYSELF BE ME WITH NO EXPECTATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR A MINUTE. I wish only, in this evening light, to quiet my mind for a moment, and listen to what that inner quirky girl is whispering- whether it be motivation, peace or even anger. Anything that the inner me has to say is okay and needs to be heard. I feel that too often I LOOK OUTSIDE OF MYSELF FOR DICTATION OF WHAT IS APPROPRIATE TO FEEL, THINK AND BE. Not tonight, and I wish all of you in the blogger-sphere one moment tonight of inner correspondence and the courage to listen to what the inner you is whispering, stating or screaming. You and I both deserve to be heard and acknowledged.

1 comment:

  1. Amazingly written =) I can't wait to hear more. You inspire me all the time.
