Sunday, December 28, 2014

It's going to be an all New Year

It has been an incredibly long time since I blogged. I have had two breakups, found a new love of my life, gotten a new job, and changed my major for my undergrad. I am now focusing on the science of Psychology, which is a bit of contradiction in terms I know.

      I am now setting a goal that I am going to blog at least once a week, about all things regarding being a late twenty something, going to school full time, fostering a relationship, balancing the demands of work, and helping her little sister plan her wedding.

     So let's begin this week with a discussion on how nice it is to have a break from school. Last semester, I attempted 15 credit hours, and I began my career at the University level instead of a Community College. I gained about ten pounds in stress eating alone, and lost so much sleep that it began to look like I was drawing black circles under my eyes. I have finished, and am now on a five week break. The holidays were difficult, mainly trying to navigate what my place was with my boyfriends family and ended up staying home and having Christmas with my family. However, now that Christmas is over, I'm finding myself back in love with my time. I am blessed to work a job in which I work three days and have four days off. I have been able to go the gym consistently for the first time in a long time. I find myself worried that I am not going to want to return to class in a few weeks. I really do believe that people take for granted their schedules... no homework, no study groups, no papers or equations. Other people just get up, go to work and then live their lives. How much of my life am I missing in my pursuit of furthering my education? I keep telling myself that I will do certain things after I graduate... but I want to have a life now. It's not like I'm experiencing these feelings at 19, I'm almost 30 for God's sake! I need to try and keep a commitment to enjoy my life a little more, in whatever capacity that may be.
     I've never been good at keeping balance in my life, but I have to make a more diligent effort or I'm going to end up 80 years old, missing my youth!