Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why Does My Nose Feel Funny?

                                            Picture Source: Absolute Skin Care being

Today i woke from the lightest slumber with the feeling that I, the invincible, may be getting a cold. It's not hard to believe as I work with young children and am exposed to all types of illnesses.

However, I have not been able to exercise due to the recovery from my gallbladder surgery. Exercise is such a crucial part of my existence, it helps me feel sane and quite bad-ass. The roughest part about exercise is finding a gym or stretch of road where you can push yourself to the optimal level and not feel judged or pressured. I love to go to the gym, all of the cardio machines buzzing and the shiny metal of the weights all in a row. On the opposite hand, I hate going to the gym! As a female, I truly feel that at this day in age I have to dress up to go to the gym. The cutest pants ( that help hold in any imperfection), the tightest top (that boosts all of my femininity), and some sort of shirt that disguises my arms- which is one of my greatest insecurities. I wish I could be more like those women who claim that they go to the gym and don't care what they look like. Maybe that will come with age... I hope so. Having music blasting from my I-Pod helps. I am a character at heart, so if I throw on some high energy, powerful female music I tend to care a little less about who may be looking at me and what they might be thinking.

All of these worries disappear the minute I walk into my yoga studio. Yes, there are individuals who attend yoga who are there to prove to everyone what a great body they have and how flexible they are. However, I notice them less in an environment that encourages body and mind connection- like yoga. I have missed my hour of courage these past few weeks. I have missed the serenity tied to my child's pose, and the strength bonded to my crow. There is an inner pride that comes from finishing a class, inside of which you were certain completion was beyond grasp. Yoga does so much for one's mind, but I also believe that it helps prevent sickness. I prefer to take part in hot yoga, which detoxifies the body, as well as provides an excellent cardio workout. I also believe that being upside down helps bring our body chemistry back to homeostasis.

Moral of this blog, I have a cold and I am going to yoga! Maybe I can talk my boyfriend into going with me- he might miss the opportunity to catch my cold if he is too busy focusing on his downward facing dog.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

4.14.2012 A Testament to Communication

It is my first post on my first blog. I wish to express in the display of firsts my gratitude to having a forum in which I may go and write any expression I feel pertinent and necessary. It is hard being a twenty-something, living in a world surrounded by social media and not knowing truly how to utilize every aspect of the web. I am sure I am 5 to 10 years too late in starting this blog, but better late then never.

Today I am feeling a little drab. This may be due to the weather (cloudy, cold and rainy), but it may also be due to the fact that I, like so many others of my generation, am overworked and over-scheduled. I am truly trying to find a balance in which i can express myself as an outstanding and creative student, an open minded and talented Teachers Assistant in a Structured Preschool, as well as a compassionate and loving girlfriend, sibling, daughter and friend. I have to keep reminding myself that IT IS OKAY TO LET MYSELF BE ME WITH NO EXPECTATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR A MINUTE. I wish only, in this evening light, to quiet my mind for a moment, and listen to what that inner quirky girl is whispering- whether it be motivation, peace or even anger. Anything that the inner me has to say is okay and needs to be heard. I feel that too often I LOOK OUTSIDE OF MYSELF FOR DICTATION OF WHAT IS APPROPRIATE TO FEEL, THINK AND BE. Not tonight, and I wish all of you in the blogger-sphere one moment tonight of inner correspondence and the courage to listen to what the inner you is whispering, stating or screaming. You and I both deserve to be heard and acknowledged.